Tuesday 23 April 2013

Pitfalls to Avoid When You Are Working From Your Own Home

Intro: Working from home can be a bliss. There are fewer interruptions, less commuting time and more flexibility in your time management. But if you are not careful, you could fall into some horrible traps too. This article lets you know what exactly to avoid or watch out for when managing your work from home.
Does working from home sounds awesome to you? Well, it does to most people. The idea of not having to dress up and commute two hours each day to and from the office is what many people aspire to these days. While starting a business and working from your own home definitely has its many advantages, it may not be the right cup of tea for everyone. Here are some tips on the pitfalls you should avoid if you choose this path.

1. Lack of Motivation
Most people who work from home would tell you that discipline is the key to keeping your business going. Getting yourself motivated to work instead of watching television or playing Call Of Duty is very important. It is easy to lose your work regimen and productivity when you work alone. So, while working from home gives you some level of flexibility in your time, be sure to keep a fixed work schedule at the same time.

2. Distraction
Distraction is your number one enemy at home. Did you forget to buy milk this morning? Let’s run out to the grocery and get some now. Did you forget to walk the dog? I can do it quickly and get back in no time. Are your kids bored and knocking on your door? The list goes on…

3. Lack of Dedicated Working Space
 It is vital that you get your own dedicated work space; better still, your own office. The kitchen table or the couch just won’t do. I would suggest that you clear out the extra room, store your extra furniture and belongings in a self-storage facility and turn that room into your office. If your business needs inventory, it is also advisable to keep them in a self-storage facility too. The last thing you want is to have your dog digging into your boxes and helping itself with the bottles of wine or whatever else you are selling online!

4. Stress on Family Relationship
One of the main reasons why people wanted to work from home is that they think it will allow them to spend more time with their family. Yes that may be true, but there could be cases where you might spend too much time with your family so much as that they get tired of you. Think of it this way: your wife might already have gotten used to the idea of you working in your office daily and thus she might have plans of her own. If you are at home all day,  it adds stress to the relationship. The same goes with your kids.

5. Degradation of Social Skills
This is particularly so if your work is solidarity, such as writing, designing, programming, etc. When your interaction with people reduces, you may spiral into that vicious “I-don’t-like-to-meet-people-anymore” cycle.

Of course, there are many perks of working from home, so ultimately, you need to weigh the pros and cons and work out the best plan that suits you and your personality.

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